February 16, 2023 Is Windows Defender good enough to protect Windows 11?

Is Windows Defender good enough to protect Windows 11?

Windows Defender is Microsoft’s built-in antivirus and anti-malware solution for Windows 11, and it provides basic protection against a variety of threats.

In general, Windows Defender is a competent antivirus software that provides a good level of protection for most users. It includes features such as real-time protection, ransomware protection, and browser protection, which can help defend against common malware and other cyber threats.

That being said, no antivirus solution can provide 100% protection against all possible threats, and it’s always a good idea to practice safe browsing habits and exercise caution when downloading and installing software from the internet.

For users who want additional protection beyond what Windows Defender provides, there are many other third-party antivirus and security software solutions available that offer additional features and functionality. However, for most users, Windows Defender is a good enough solution for protecting their system against most threats.

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